Do Sex Toys Replace Men?
Do Sex Toys Replace Men? Vibrator anxiety is real for some men, yet using sex...
Kegel Confusion: Kegel Balls Won't Make You Climax
Kegel Balls improve your sexual health and the strength of your orgasms, however they will...
Why SRE Should Focus on Pleasure
Eleanor Pearson, writer and founder of her blog Sexclusive, gives us her thoughts on why...
The GP improving the sex lives of her patients
Many people enjoy sex but struggle to get their GP to talk abut their problems....
Recommending Sex Toys in the NHS
Our sex toys are being recommended by some amazing healthcare professionals who work in the...
Better sexual knowledge improves sexual health and pleasure
Having better sexual knowledge can increase your sexual pleasure and boost your sexual health too...
Is your sexual lubricant causing thrush?
Many people do not realise that many commercially available sexual lubricants and even some available...
Sex toys for men: Is it still a taboo?
Are male sex toys still seen as a taboo or have we come to accept...
Stop Telling Women It's Normal
Women are often told sexual health issues are "normal" or "all in their heads" -...
Switching off my brain chatter helped me enjoy better sex
Do you like sex but aren't enjoying it as much as you feel you should...
Placebo or Pill? Can Either Boost Your Libido?
Can a pill really boost your libido or is the “placebo effect” just as good?...
The 5:2 diet boosted our sex life
Sticking to the 5:2 diet together for the last 4 years has not only helped...
Why Do Some Healthcare Professionals Medicalise Sex?
Many people enjoy sexual intimacy and pleasure, yet when sexual function is affected by illness,...
Body Image Issues
The internalized perception of our bodies is our ‘body image’. It can be positive and...
Writing about sex has improved my sex life
How writing about sex has improved my sex life, opening my eyes to an amazing...
Stop making sexual advice contradictory!
It's time to stop making sexual advice contradictory and give people the information they need...
Enjoying sex doesn’t empower you!
Enjoying sex doesn't make you empowered so please stop using that word!
Why are designer vaginas so popular?
Why are women undergoing surgery to have a designer vagina? Jo Divine takes a look...
Why I'm having better sex in my 40s than in my 20s
Age isn't a barrier to having sex! I'm having better sex in my 40's than...
Sex In The Media vs Reality
Sex portrayed in the media can often be very misleading as to what real sex...
Stop faking those orgasms!
Stop missing out on amazing orgasms and follow these tips to achieve your perfect mind...
Want Great Skin? Have Sex!
According to a survey conducted by Elizabeth Arden in 2013, 21% of women would give...
Penis Facts
How well do you know your penis? Here are some interesting and helpful facts about...
Annoying things about getting older as a woman
Some of the following things will have older women nodding in agreement and younger women...