Fact or Fiction

Having a deep voice makes men seem more attractive
  • Samantha Evans
Having a deep voice makes men seem more attractive

Research by the University of Aberdeen by David Smith and his colleagues in 2011 found that a low male voice is important for both choice of partner and the accuracy of the female memory.

Does Size Matter?
  • Samantha Evans
Does Size Matter?

Apparently it does when it comes to romance and height! A recent study conducted by Rice University and the University of Texas in January 2014 found that the height of a potential partner matters more to women than men.

Is Red A Sexy Colour?
  • Samantha Evans
Is Red A Sexy Colour?

Red has long been associated with women's sexual attractiveness, but a study conducted by the University of Kent has shown that this is not linked to the colour of female genitalia as imagined in the male mind as previously believed.

Sex and Marriage in History
  • Samantha Evans
Sex and Marriage in History

Attitudes towards sex and marriage have been changing considerably for centuries. Find out about some of the rituals of old here - some stranger than others!

  • Samantha Evans

More than 90% of human societies kiss, perhaps indicating that this ancient expression of love is practised for good reason. Kissing is good for us but impacts us on a far deeper, more complex level that you might expect.

Historical Myths About The Female Body
  • Samantha Evans
Historical Myths About The Female Body

Wandering wombs, biting vaginas and hysteria... The female body was always somewhat of an unknown in medical history: look back on some of the weird and wonderful things that were believed about women and their bodies!