Eleni Peitho

Eleni Peitho

Eleni has been exploring kink and nonmonogamy since 2015 and sharing her adventures – under a pseudonym – for the past couple of years. Like with everything she does, she jumped in with both feet: reading, writing, making friends, asking the difficult questions and facing both the fun and the discomfort headlong.

She identifies mainly as a brat (a BDSM persona that entails being cheeky and “misbehaving” although will often submit after a bit of a power struggle), but is exploring her different sides so is increasingly reluctant to pigeon-hole herself as one thing or another.

She loves to share her thoughts with anyone willing to listen and is very excited to be blogging for Jo Divine!

Eleni’s other writing can be found on The Huff Post, Vocal Media and on her blog.

She can be contacted on:
Fet Life as @Kink_and_Cuddles
Twitter as @kinkandcuddles
Instagram as @kink.and.cuddles

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