Sexual Health

Does moderate alcohol intake affect sperm quality?
  • Samantha Evans
Does moderate alcohol intake affect sperm quality?

On arriving home from a stressful day at work, all you want to do is enjoy a cold beer and relax on the sofa in front of the TV – but research published in the British Medical Journal Open (2014) has found that even moderate alcohol consumption can reduce the quality of sperm in men who are otherwise healthy.

Sex and the side-effects of medication
  • Samantha Evans
Sex and the side-effects of medication

If you are struggling with low libido, low sex drive or erectile dysfunction, it could be a result of your medication.

Carrots can help your sperm count
  • Samantha Evans
Carrots can help your sperm count

We all know that carrots can help your eyesight, but researchers have discovered that they can improve the fertility of men too.

Exercising can reduce those nocturnal visits to the toilet
  • Samantha Evans
Exercising can reduce those nocturnal visits to the toilet

According to a study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise led by a researcher at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, men who exercise infrequently are more likely to wake up at night to urinate, a condition known as nocturia (Wolin et al 2014).

Peyronie's Disease
  • Samantha Evans
Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie's Disease is a condition where patches of scar tissues or fibrous plaques develop along the shaft of the penis, resulting in bending or deformity of the penis, painful erections and difficulties in having sexual intercourse.

Is Premature Ejaculation Affecting Your Relationship?
  • Samantha Evans
Is Premature Ejaculation Affecting Your Relationship?

Many research studies have looked at the physical and psychological effect premature ejaculation (PE) has upon the health of men, but it can cause significant psychological strain for women too.

Premature Ejaculation
  • Samantha Evans
Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common condition affecting about 30-40% of men according to Relate. It often remains undiagnosed and untreated because the sensitive nature of the problem discourages open discussion between the affected man, his partner and their doctor.

Preventing Erectile Dysfunction
  • Samantha Evans
Preventing Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) becomes more common as men age but it is not necessarily a normal part of ageing. In the UK, 20 men out of every 100 will experience erectile dysfunction problems of some sort during their lives.

Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction without using medication
  • Samantha Evans
Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction without using medication

According to research at the University of Adelaide in Australia, men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) can successfully reverse the effects of their problem by making lifestyle changes and avoid the need for medication.

Benefits of Perineal Massage for Women
  • Samantha Evans
Benefits of Perineal Massage for Women

Research has shown that massaging the perineum antenatally from 35 weeks gestation reduces the likelihood of perineal trauma during vaginal births such as tears which require suturing and it can reduce perineal pain post delivery. (Beckmann and Garrett 2006)

How to talk about sexual problems with your doctor
  • Samantha Evans
How to talk about sexual problems with your doctor

“Thinking about discussing sex is more frightening than actually doing it, and the reactions we're fearful of very rarely occur” - Dr Daniel Atkinson GP

Boost your testosterone levels naturally
  • Samantha Evans
Boost your testosterone levels naturally

Men experience a type of menopause, just like women, called andropause. This has a slower onset than the menopause and tends to creep up on men in their middle age.

Sex and Heart Disease
  • Samantha Evans
Sex and Heart Disease

The first ever sex survey of 1,932 people aged between 55-74 with heart disease, heart attack and angina being the most common, was conducted by the British Heart Foundation in January 2014 and found that 3 out of 4 people said that their heart condition had affected their sex life.

Urinary incontinence can cause depression
  • Samantha Evans
Urinary incontinence can cause depression

A study conducted by The University of Adelaide in Australia (2013) has found that women who suffer from urinary incontinence aged 43-65 years are more likely to be depressed than women aged 65-89 years.

Sex after having a stroke
  • Samantha Evans
Sex after having a stroke

Having a healthy, fulfilling sex life is important in any relationship but having a stroke can have a huge impact on it, both physically and mentally. Often, many of the problems encountered after having a stroke can be alleviated and overcome but you may need to seek professional advice.

Why buy a vibrator instead of a medical dilator?
  • Samantha Evans
Why buy a vibrator instead of a medical dilator?

Some gynaecological surgical and medical interventions can lead to post operative scarring, causing vaginal tightness, and loss of sensation which may cause discomfort or pain, both of which can be alleviated using a vibrator and organic lubricant.