A Sexy Dress

A Sexy Dress

I promise, Diary, I’m not going to moan about the weather. Not much, anyway. I had plans, great plans and they’ve been ruined by pelting rain and gusts of wind strong enough to turn me inside out, never mind my umbrella.

I was going to go shopping for a new dress. Mr Divine is taking me out to a posh restaurant at the weekend as a little treat. We’ve both been working really hard lately and we need some time to reconnect. I’d got the day off work with not one bit of paperwork to finish off at home and I was going to go buy a sexy dress that would have my husband drooling into his meal all night. I had it all planned out… then the worst weather of the autumn so far hit and scuppered my plans.

It’s not like I’ve not got dresses, I have loads of them and some are tried and tested. There’s the cute red one that clings in all the right places. I bought it on a trip to Paris and got dressed up in it to go out for a romantic meal. However, I never left the hotel room that night and the red dress ended up on the bedroom floor.

Then there’s the little black number, I’m not unusual in having one of those! It hides a multitude of sins and is my go-to outfit when I need to be elegant in a hurry – you’d be surprised by how many times that happens. Especially if Mr Divine gets to me somewhere between my shower and getting into an actual dress, because he’s easily distracted when my flesh is on show. It’s one of the things I really love about him.

It’s a bit too cold for the bright turquoise off-the-shoulder number. I bought that for a charity ball that was being held a few summers ago in the garden of the local stately home. Mr Divine and I found the centre of the maze and spent some frenzied time together, listening carefully for the sounds of any other maze explorers getting closer. I’m glad to say I found my completion before anyone drew near and as it was a humid summer’s evening, my flushed complexion was put down to the heat.

It’s probably not quite the kind of do I can wear my indulgent, long velvet gown to. It was very expensive and bought for a very specific work Christmas party which had a historical theme. I vow to wear it all the time, but it’s such a stand out frock I never think the occasions are grand enough to wear it. However, Mr Divine has persuaded me to put it on a time or two. Sometimes I like to play a damsel in distress or the Juliet to his Romeo. A little bit of medieval role play is good fun. As long as he’s only rough with me and not the dress, mind: it cost a fortune!

That’s it decided then, I’m going to wear my ye olde velvet gown – it deserves another public airing and who knows, if I play my cards right, I might get it ripped off once I get home.

Written By : Staff