Two Worlds Collide - Part Two

Two Worlds Collide - Part Two

Read about the author Megan Barnett

To say it was a strange predicament that I found myself in was an understatement: the love of my life by my side and the forbidden fruit within an arm’s reach.

We tentatively sipped at our coffees, each of us wondering how to start the conversation. It was my husband that broke the silence.

“Jo has been very open with me, for which I am grateful.”

“It’s clear that you mean a lot to your wife, and I admire her candid spirit.” Sophia replied. “However, I think we can all feel a certain… tension in the air?” I fidgeted with nerves, not knowing what to say. “We’re all adults here, and I think we can come to an amiable arrangement.”

“As do I.” My husband replied. He glanced at me, then to Sophia, rounding his shoulders down as he took a purposeful breath. “I think that, as long as we’re all honest with each other, we can proceed…” Mr Divine was clearly struggling to find his words, so I squeezed his thigh with encouragement. “To say I’m happy with this is wrong… not that I’m unhappy with it. But, I do allow it. Sorry that that’s such an awkward way to put it, but… I do give my blessing.”

“It’ll be an adventure.” I nodded, looking from my husband to Sophia. We all shared a smile and the atmosphere that had begun to encroach around us slipped away like the sun chasing away the shadows.

“I don’t need to know the intricate details, but I would like to know what happened and when.” Mr Divine said authoritatively, which Sophia clearly respected.

“I admire your honesty. I hope I’m not being too forward, but our adventures don’t have to be stories you hear.”

My husband’s thigh stiffened beneath my hand, and the fires of excitement ignited within me.

“Let’s take things slowly,” Mr Divine chuckled, although I could see from the expression on his face that his imagination was running overdrive.

“Of course. We can woo each other, all of us, together.” Sophia smiled.

“While that is a romantic notion, I’m not sure that you’re understanding my meaning.” My husband smiled at Sophia, her eyebrows furrowing slightly with intrigue. “I feel that yours and my wife’s journey… experimenting, whatever you’d like to call it… I think that it will be quite an intimate experience that I feel you two should share together before, let alone even if, I become involved.”

“Darling!” I exclaimed, the sharp looks from other coffee shop patrons reminding me to lower my voice. “Are you sure?”

“I am.” He nodded firmly. “Sophia, I feel that your intentions with my wife are honorable…” we all laughed in unison and Sophia shot me a playful wink across the table. “I trust Jo, and therefore I trust the pair of you.”

“You are very sweet; Jo, you’re a very lucky lady.” Sophia gave my husband her signature sexy, lazy smile. The notion that I would share my husband with her one day didn’t fill me with dread as it perhaps would with another woman, instead filling me with excitement and intrigue.

“So it’s settled.” I said, finding my voice finally. “I promise that nothing will remain hidden; I want this to be a positive chapter in our lives. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Mr Divine and Sophia nodded.

We parted ways amicably, with my husband and my future lover sharing an embrace before she held me close as she had done in greeting. I breathed in her fragrant hair, smiling to myself with the knowledge that it was as I had remembered it.

Mr Divine and I returned to find the house empty.

“Shall I put the kettle on?” I suggested.

“Mmm… or shall we go to bed?” My husband replied, raising a flirtatious eyebrow.

“In the middle of the afternoon?” I replied coyly, pressing myself against his firm torso. I could feel his stiffened prick against my inner thigh as he pulled me closer to him, kissing me firmly on the lips.

When we broke apart, he chased me up the stairs and I squealed and giggled with girlish delight as I ran to the bedroom. He kicked the door shut behind him, and for a moment we simply stared at each other with a growing hunger in our eyes.

He then took strong, purposeful strides towards me, his hand finding my lower back, pulling my hips towards his, and I saw the passionate fire ignite in his eyes. Our mouths met in a hot, frantic embrace and Mr Divine’s free hand came to my shoulder, pushing down the fabric of my dress, exposing my bare breast. His eager hand manipulated the voluptuous weight of it, clever fingers finding their way at my pert nipple, which they began to caress.

A low moan emanated from my throat as his hot tongue replaced his fingertips, and I began to feel the wetness against my lingerie that had been longing to be released all afternoon.

Mr Divine threw me onto the bed with a dominance that I couldn’t help but find alluring. I breathlessly shrugged my dress over my shoulders, watching my husband unbutton his shirt before he sank to his knees, crawling towards me.

He planted tantalising kisses along my inner thigh as his hand snaked its way up towards my breast, squeezing and tweaking the heavy flesh and the puckered skin of my nipple. I writhed at his touch, my toes curling with excitement was his other hand pulled down the fabric of my knickers and the tip of his warm, wet tongue met my throbbing clitoris.

I threw my head back as I groaned as his tongue tantalised my blossoming bud and his fingers teased at my G-Spot, my thighs trembling as they did so.

Suddenly I fell back onto the soft mattress as my legs twitched from a fast yet hard climax. Panting loudly, I begged for him and found a sweet, sweet release yet again when he thrust his hard member inside me.

I moaned, urging him deeper and deeper inside of me with my crossed legs sitting under his taut buttocks, the heat in my core burning brighter and brighter until we came together in a powerful climax that left me trembling with pleasure!

For a moment or two we stayed entwined, and as I replayed our embrace again in my head coupled with the day’s events, I was glad that my two worlds had finally collided.

Written By : Megan Barnett