10 Ways Sex Can Boost Your Health

10 Ways Sex Can Boost Your Health

Read about the author Megan Barnett

Sex can feel amazing and bring us closer to our partners, but did you know that sex can also be beneficial to our health and wellbeing?

The other O

Yes, orgasms feel good, but the O you should be focusing on is oxytocin. Oxytocin is the feel-good hormone produced in the brain that creates a general sense of wellbeing and happiness. While oxytocin levels can be increased through sex and orgasms, simply cuddling up with your partner can do the job too.

Oxytocin is also known as the love hormone as it helps people to bond, build trust and deepen intimacy between two people. Recent research in the US has indicated that the release of oxytocin after sex can last for 48 hours, a period of time they have referred to as an “afterglow”. The participants who reported a strong sexual afterglow, as in they felt strong sexual satisfaction two days later, also reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction months later. Researchers have stressed that the participants in the study were in the mid-twenties and were typically heterosexual, so this afterglow effect may differ for gay and older people.

High oxytocin levels means a high outlook on life, leading to a better sense of self-esteem. This, in turn, is going to increase your libido as when we feel good about our bodies, we’re more likely to want to show them off.

Regular Sex

We are constantly hounded with articles shouting about the latest cream or intimate hygiene product to rejuvenate our vaginas and vulvas, but you’d save a lot of money if you simply had regular sex instead.

Sex increases vaginal lubrication, blood flow to the genital area and even vaginal elasticity. It can also boost your libido, so you’ll be wanting sex more often, meaning your vaginal health will be maintained in a happy cycle. A healthy vagina is a happy vagina!

Regular satisfying sex and orgasms can also help you sleep especially during the menopause when getting a good nights sleep can be a problem.

Even if you are not in a relationship, enjoying regular orgasms and using a sex toy can still keep your sexual health in shape whatever your age or gender.

Set the alarm

When we feel lethargic or are generally down about things, it’s more than tempting to bury our heads in the pillows and try to ignore the world, but actively waking up earlier for a morning romp can put you in a good mood for the rest of the day.

This is because sex can increase the production of serotonin, a natural mood stabiliser linked to our happiness levels. What’s more, that fantastic “I’ve just had sex!” feeling will last with you all day, so that’s definitely something to smile about!

Sex also burns calories, with around half an hour of sex burning roughly 85 calories. So if you’re normally a morning gym bunny, then you can sneak in a little warm up before your daily workout.

Lower stress = lower blood pressure

Good sex puts us in a better mood, lowering our stress levels, which in turn does wonders for our blood pressure. A Scottish study (2006) found that, over a fortnight, 24 women and 22 men who reported having PVI (penile-vaginal intercourse) had a better stress response to those having other or no sexual behaviours.

Another study, published in the same journal, found that diastolic blood pressure, aka the bottom number of your blood pressure, was lower in people who lived together and had sex often.

Improve your heart health

A 2010 study found that men who had sex twice a week halved their risk of having a heart attack. The researchers lead this study as they believed that as sex is a physical activity, it makes your heart work just as any other form of cardio and exercise would. The researchers also believed that people wanting to have regular sex and who were physically able to were more likely to be healthier overall.

Boost your immunity

That’s right: having regular sex has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections.

The study, carried out by scientists at Wilkes University in the United States of America, studied 112 university students who kept records of how often they had sex and also provided saliva samples for the study. Those who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of IgA.

Enjoying regular sex can also lead to fewer sick days because it boosts your immunity.

Magic motivation

Who needs a personal trainer for motivation when you could have sex instead?

Sex releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers but can also increase our levels of motivation. It can be easy to make excuses not to exercise when we’re feeling sluggish, however if the body is naturally more motivated thanks to our endorphins, we’re more likely to make the time to exercise.

Increase your productivity

Many of us are aware of the health benefits of enjoying a good sex life, but research has shown it can positively impact upon your job satisfaction and productivity too. It boosts your confidence, reduces stress and can lead to fewer sick days too.

Complexion perfection

That clever hormone mentioned above, oxytocin, also has anti-inflammatory qualities, which help to repair skin cells. Having sex also promotes oestrogen levels, improving skin elasticity and dryness. Sex also increases our circulation, which gives you that post-sex glow.

A study conducted by Dr David Weeks, the former Head of Old Age Psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital (2013), found that regular sex can make you look younger too!

Preventing prostate cancer

It has been scientifically proven that the more frequent ejaculations a person has, the lower their risk of prostate cancer. This is because ejaculating flushes out toxins and old cells in the prostate. There are other lifestyle factors to consider to reducing your risk of developing cancer, but more sex is certainly a fun way to start!

So, if you’re looking for new ways to improve your overall health and wellness, start by having sex!

Written By : Megan Barnett